CSS Cascading Style Sheets

CSS is crucial for styling and formatting web content.

  1. CSS Box Model: The CSS Box Model represents how elements on a web page are structured. It includes content, padding, border, and margin around elements.

  2. Selectors: CSS selectors are patterns that select HTML elements for styling. They can target elements by tag name, class, ID, attributes, and more.

  3. The Cascade: The cascade is the process by which CSS rules are applied to elements. It defines the order of importance when multiple rules conflict.

  4. Color: CSS provides various ways to specify colors, including named colors, hexadecimal values, RGB, and HSL.

  5. Sizing Units: CSS offers different units for sizing elements, such as pixels (px), percentages (%), em, rem, and more.

  6. Layout: CSS can control the layout of web pages, including properties for controlling element positioning, floating, and display.

  7. Flexbox: Flexbox is a layout model in CSS that simplifies the alignment and distribution of elements in a container.

  8. Grid: CSS Grid Layout is a two-dimensional grid system for creating complex layouts.

  9. Pseudo-elements and Pseudo-classes: These allow you to apply styles to specific parts of elements or apply styles based on states (e.g., hover, focus) without altering the HTML structure.

  10. Transitions and Animations: CSS allows for smooth transitions between property values and creating animations.

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Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.

Max Planck